Director’s Welcome

Professor Christopher Rowe
Director, Australian Dementia Network
Director, Molecular Imaging Research, Austin Health
Professorial Fellow, the University of Melbourne
Dementia Clinical Champion, the Florey Institute of Neurosciene and Mental Health
Dear visitors
I am delighted to welcome you to the website of the Australian Dementia Network (ADNeT). As Director of the network, I am committed to leading ADNeT in advancing our understanding of dementia and finding ways to accelerate and improve the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care for all those affected by this disease.
Our network brings together researchers, clinicians and people with lived experience of dementia, all dedicated to turning the tide on this complex epidemic. Our vision is a world where dementia research will ultimately lead to a cure.
The ADNeT website provides a wealth of expert information on dementia research projects, a library of tools and resources, information for clinicians and news on the latest advancements in dementia prevention and treatment options. Whether you are a person living with dementia, a caregiver, a researcher, a healthcare professional, or simply interested in learning more about this important topic, we hope that our website is a valuable resource for you.
We invite you to explore our website and learn more about our network, our mission, our researchers, our initiatives, how to get involved in clinical trials and much more.
Thank you for visiting, and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments.
Best regards
Professor Christopher Rowe
Director, the Australian Dementia Network