Neuropsychological Norming Tool
The Australian Dementia Network Neuropsychology Norming Tool (ANNT) is a web application designed for clinical neuropsychologists that automatically calculates normative data for a range of neuropsychological tests and produces a report for clinical or research purposes. It was developed by the ADNeT Memory Clinics teams in collaboration with CSIRO. It is aimed for use in Australian memory and cognition clinics as a means of facilitating greater harmonisation of neuropsychological assessments between clinics.
Instructions for Use of the Neuropsychological Norming Tool
Before first-time use, please register yourself by completing the registration form below. By registering, you agree to our Terms and Conditions when you are using the ANNT.
Most importantly, we ask that you do not share the provided username and password with other colleagues or other memory and cognition clinics, but rather redirect them to this webpage that they may register for their use of the ANNT.
If you have already registered and have received a username and password via your registered e-mail address, please access the ANNT via the unique link included in the email.