Cognitive Intervention Working Group
Cognitive Interventions Working Party
Members | Role | Affiliation and location |
Professor Sharon Naismith | Convenor | NHMRC Leadership II Fellow & Lead, Australian Dementia Network Memory Clinics Initiative, University of Sydney |
Associate Professor Kerryn Pike | Chair | Clinical Neuropsychologist, Griffith University |
Associate Professor Alex Bahar-Fuchs | Co-Chair | NHMRC Boosting Dementia Leadership Principal Fellow, Deakin University and Clinical Neuropsychologist |
Dr Loren Mowszowski | Operations Manager | NHMRC Boosting Dementia Leadership Principal Fellow, University of Sydney and Clinical Neuropsychologist |
Ms Alessandra Lee | PhD Student | Ms Alessandra Lee is conducting this study as the basis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Science) at the University of Sydney |
Dr Inga Mehrani | ADNeT Support | ADNeT-MC National Program Manager, University of New South Wales |
Professor Alison Hutchison | Implementation Science Expert | Alfred Deakin Professor, Deakin University & Chair in Nursing, Barwon Health |
Cognitive Interventions Pilot Project
An increasing number of high-quality evidence shows that cognitive interventions (e.g. LaTCH Memory Group Program) can produce benefits for cognition and general wellbeing in older adults, including those with or at risk of dementia. Unfortunately, these interventions are not routinely offered in memory and cognition clinics. Apart from limited financial and human resources, clinicians also cite a lack of clinician training and confidence as barriers to offering cognitive interventions routinely.
To address this, the Working Party decided to adopt a structured approach to implementation to address this gap between research and practice and we are conducting a pilot feasibility study to implement cognitive intervention in Australian memory and cognition clinics. This study comprises:
(a) a cognitive intervention clinician training toolkit and a one-day training workshop to up-skill and support clinicians in delivering a variety of intervention techniques to suit various client presentations/needs, and
(b) evaluation of how these interventions are implemented within participating memory and cognition clinics (6-month initial implementation period and 12-month follow-up).
The study is currently underway. We have 6 memory clinics participating from around Australia, and 17 clinicians completed the clinician training toolkit and one-day training workshop. We are currently within our 6-month supported implementation period, and expect to be able to report results in 2024.
We are planning to build on our learning from this project and scale-up to other memory clinics, so please get in touch if you are interested in finding out more.
This study was supported by the Australian Dementia Network, funded by the NHMRC National Institute for Dementia Research – Boosting Dementia Grant (grant number: APP1152623). $101,831, for 1 year (1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023).
Join the Project
If you are not sure that your clinic would be suitable to participate but are interested in obtaining training to deliver cognitive interventions, please reach out to register your interest as we are eager to evaluate interest and consider other programs that could be developed for this purpose.
If you have any questions, please contact Ms Alessandra Lee, Project Coordinator at alessandra.lee@sydney.edu.au