Memory Clinics

Objectives of ADNeT Memory Clinics Initiative

This initiative seeks to:

  • bring together memory clinic clinicians in a collaborative network, and
  • to provide a framework for the operation of memory clinics.

This will help to harmonise diagnostic and post-diagnostic support pathways and to ensure that all Australians have access to high-quality dementia assessments, no matter where they are located.

Key Resources

Join ADNeT Memory Clinics Network

If you are:

  • a clinician who conducts specialised dementia assessments, whether you work for a memory clinic or a different cognitive decline assessment service, or
  • a dementia researcher,

you are welcome to join our Australia-wide network of memory clinics, even if you do not wish to list your practice on our website.

Please contact us to become a part of the Australian Memory Clinics Network.

Contact Us

Please get in touch with us for more information on the ADNeT Memory Clinics initiative.


Postal Address

Inga Mehrani
ADNeT Memory Clinics National Coordinator
+61 2 9065 7304
ADNeT Memory Clinics Network
CHeBA (Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing)
UNSW Medicine, School of Psychiatry
Level 1, AGSM (G27)
Gate 11, Botany Street
UNSW Sydney NSW 2052