Researcher Profile
Marianne Coleman
Dr. Marianne Coleman
Clinical vision research fellow
Vic, Australian Capital Territory
Dementia Research Area
Post-diagnostic care
Dementia-friendly eyecare
Research Skills
Co-design, health services research, clinical eyecare research
Marianne qualified as an orthoptist in 2008 from University of Liverpool. After some time in clinical practice, diagnosing and managing depth perception and eye movement disorders in children and adults, she completed a Masters in Research at the University of Liverpool and moved to Glasgow Caledonian University to study children's vision for her PhD.

After completing her PhD which was strongly focused on clinical research, she moved to the University of Surrey in June 2016 to train in health services research, maintaining her clinical vision research through funded projects evaluating depth perception in skilled video game players and people living with dementia respectively. Marianne has recently commenced a joint post as a Clinical Vision Research Fellow, working between the Department of Optometry and Vision Sciences and the Australian College of Optometry's National Vision Research Institute. Her research is guided by people with lived experience.