L to R: Professors Colin Masters, Ralph Martins and Chris Rowe
L to R: Professors Colin Masters, Ralph Martins and Chris Rowe
An international review of researchers’ impact and influence has named ADNeT’s
Prof Ralph Martins (Chief Investigator)
Prof Colin Masters (Chief Investigator)
Prof Chris Rowe (ADNeT Director/Chief Investigator)
as Highly Cited Researchers (2020) in the field of neuroscience and behaviour.
The Highly Cited Researchers 2020 list created by Clarivate Plc Web of Science identifies that small number of researchers that contribute disproportionately to extending the frontiers of knowledge and have demonstrated significant influence in their chosen field.
Highly Cited Researchers rank in the top 1% by citations for their field of work.
Commenting on the list, David Pendlebury, Senior Citation Analyst at the Institute for Scientific Information, UK, said: “In the race for knowledge, it is human capital that is fundamental and this list identifies and celebrates exceptional individual researchers who are having a great impact on the research community as measured by the rate at which their work is being cited by others.”