Congratulations are in order for our EMCRs who have recently acquired grant funding for the following research projects:
- Project: Spatial navigation assessment: pathway to clinical translation and early diagnosis of dementia
ADNeT EMCR Accelerator Group Co-Chair Dr Stephanie Wong, NHRMC Fellow and Clinical Neuropsychologist at Flinders University will lead this research project. Current clinical tests for Alzheimer’s disease are not sensitive enough to detect brain changes that begin 10-20 years before memory symptoms appear. The research team has developed novel tests of spatial navigation (i.e. how we navigate our surroundings) that are highly sensitive to these early brain changes. This project will optimise the tests for rollout in clinical services, enabling timely, accurate diagnosis that will fast-track access to early interventions and improve outcomes for those affected.
This project will be recruiting for a Research Fellow in Psychology. Click here for more information on the position.
- Project: Reducing medication-related harm in people living with dementia through community action
An MRFF EMCR grant has been awarded to this research project. Poor medication management is one of the most common causes of hospital admission in people living with dementia and is often avoidable. The project will educate, empower and support people with dementia and their carers to manage their medications safely by developing, evaluating, and testing co-designed medication management resources for use in the community and during the transition into aged care.
ADNeT EMCR Dr Jacqueline Wesson, from the University of Sydney, will be part of the team undertaking the project.
Are you an early to mid-career (EMCR) dementia researcher looking for grant opportunities, but not sure where to start? The ADNeT EMCR Accelerator group has put together a list of both dementia-specific and general EMCR grant opportunities. The list will be updated regularly with dates and status of application rounds.
If you know of any other relevant grant opportunities, please do not hesitate to contact either Ayeisha Milligan Armstrong ( or Andrew Shoubridge (