
Early to Mid Career Researchers’ Corner

ADNeT and the EMCR Accelerator Group are excited to launch the EMCR Directory.

The ADNeT EMCR Directory is an online directory of early-to-mid career researchers working in dementia research in Australia. The purpose of the EMCR Directory is to raise the profiles and provide opportunities to early-to-mid career researchers. This includes PhD candidates and researchers within Australian universities and institutes who are less than 10-years post-PhD (accounting for career disruptions).

How to use the directory: 

The EMCR Directory is a search tool to help you find, shortlist and contact diverse EMCRs in dementia research for a range of career-advancing opportunities. These could include: speaking at events or conferences, collaborating on research projects and funding applications, seeking an expert opinion, mentoring, nominations for boards, committees and awards, and much more! Click here to begin your search.

Create your profile:

To enable other researchers to find and contact you, create your profile here. You will be asked to provide details such as: name, contact details, research area and skills, links to your research websites and/or social media.